
Container that groups related content and actions.

Teodros Girmay

This is a Radix Themes component.

sizeResponsive<"1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5">"1"
variant"surface" | "classic" | "ghost""surface"

The component is based on the div element and supports common margin props m, mx, my, ml, mr, mt, mb. View source

Use the asChild prop to render the card as a link or a button. This prop adds styles for the interactive states, like hover and focus.

Use the size prop to control the size of the card

Teodros Girmay
Teodros Girmay
Teodros Girmay

Use the variant prop to control the visual style of the card.

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Use the Inset component to align content flush with the sides of the card.

Bold typography

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.